Submitting Articles to The Georgian Magazine
We do not accept unsolicited article submissions through email
Please also familiarize yourself with our ‘Copyright and Reprint Policy’, ‘Terms of Use’, and ‘Conduct Guidelines’.
– Content: Original, in other words, it hasn’t been posted in other magazines or in blogs. Please begin with an 80-word ABSTRACT that summarizes the themes covered (a teaser of sorts).
– The tone of Voice: the Professional tone of voice, using “we” or “our” rather than “I” to make the articles inclusive, and to avoid sounding like a blog post. Please avoid 2nd person as well, to keep from sounding preachy (as in, “you might be doing this wrong…).
– Self-Promotion: Include an Author Bio with links to your profile and any promotional material (up to 60 words). Self-promotion is only permitted here – if links are embedded or included in the body of the article, they will be deleted.
– Title: Reflective of the general theme (up to 60 characters) *should include key word/phrase*
– Length: 500 – 800 words (not including the abstract or author bio)
– Article Optimization: Be aware The Georgian Magazine does layout and formatting to best optimize your work for presentation on the Internet and our eZine publications. Articles should have the *key subject word or phrase* identifiable throughout. When composing articles, sub-headings and text must have consistent word use or they are subject to change at our discretion.
– Editors: Liane Buck (Editor-in-Chief)– writers may hear from editors regarding article acceptability.
The following is the original, detailed submission guidelines:
The Georgian is a bi annual publication and has its deadlines as follows:
First Semester: Last Day for Submissions: May 15th
Second Semester: Last Day for Submissions: October 15th
Anyone who would like help with editing and proofreading, constructive feedback, or specialized layouts may submit their work a little earlier in the month to allow time for this.
Article submissions are subject to length restrictions:
Title: maximum 60 characters.
Article: maximum of 1,200 words. [updated to 500-800]
Author Bio: 400 characters – approximately 60 words.
Please Note: These character limits include spaces, line breaks, paragraph breaks and punctuation. The actual number of characters will be less than the numbers above.
1. The Royal Society members are invited to submit articles.
2. The Georgian editors review submissions on a regular basis and feature the ones that are accepted for publication.
3. If your submission is accepted, you will receive an email from the Editor in Chief stating that your submission has been featured.
4. The Georgian Magazine reserves the right to refuse or accept any submissions made. We also retain the right to edit for content, length, grammar, spelling, and accuracy. Please bear in mind that our editors are experienced, professional people, who will do their level best to retain your unique voice, and to show your work to its best advantage.
5. Submissions that are deemed not suitable, or of questionable or of unsubstantiated nature, will not be published in the magazine. This is a policy that prevents the spread of “fake news”, and facts and situations that can merely be regarded as heresy.
6. The Georgian Magazine reserves the right to lay out submissions with graphics of our own choosing regardless of suggestions, in keeping with our dynamic needs and current themes. It is the responsibility of the magazine to prevent any unintended Image copyright infringement.
7. If you have submitted several articles, have not been published, and would like some constructive feedback, please post a request in the group and a member of staff will consult with you about ways in which you might improve your chances.
That being said, there are many non-monetary benefits to being associated with our publication including:
professional writing experience
constructive feedback to hone your personal style
expanded exposure in the global conscious community
increased Internet presence
professional networking
support of like-minded others
enhanced “Google-ability”
opportunity for economical syndication
To get the most from your experience with The Georgian, we suggest including your business and social networking links with submissions. In this way, your readers can find you in other places and perhaps support your other business endeavors as well.
Linkbacks, tweets, and other social network communications go a very long way. As you support the magazine, the magazine will support you.
The following additional guidelines must be strictly observed:
PLEASE DO NOT submit articles or art work that are not your own original work. Article submissions that are plagiarized or in violation of another author’s copyright will be removed.
The Georgian Magazine is a free-content directory, not a forum for blatant self-promotion, advertising commercial products, services or programs. Submissions that are commercial or advertorial in content will be removed from the database immediately.
Submissions that consist of a reprinted post from elsewhere on the Internet, or that contain a few lines of text with a link pointing to another site where the article resides are not accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: The Georgian Magazine reserves the right to remove any article or articles for any reason with or without notice or explanation. In cases where the above or any other guidelines are severely abused, so-called authors will be banned from the community.
Article submissions to The Georgian Magazine are indexed once a day.
This means that any article you submit will be searchable by, and available to, visitors the day after it is submitted.